When the heart is silent,
it says something,
when the mind is silent,
it says nothing.
Words are the vehicle of the mind,
silence is the vehicle of the heart.
- Osho
Silence slept in the coffin.
The cold and the darkness
was stifling...
These days Silence
hangs around the tombstone.
She loves to sit on it
and feel the gentle breeze
on her hair.
- Nuzhat
Words unsaid...
two pairs of eyes
in infinite conversation.
- Raamesh
The longer you interact,
the words get leaner,
often drying up.
- Max
a possessive lover,
peeps through her eyes.
- Alaka
Silence —
the betrayal of the innocent
by the innocent.
- Raamesh
Beautifully unsaid,
fertile silence
in progress.
- Bala
a welcome requiem
for moribund lovers.
- Nuzhat
Silence, a loyal friend
who speaks volumes and cares
in times of need.
- Chaithra
sits comfortably
on a pile of fallen leaves.
- Nuzhat
Fertile silence
is a fresh take
on pregnant pause.
- Sarat
Silence is the primordial broth
from which universes spring...
perhaps dissolve back in time.
- Max
It seems there are
many kinds of silence.
Still there could be
silence - silence.
- Renjan