Sunday, July 18, 2010

લહરાતી ડાળો

લહરાતી ડાળો
નાચે બિન્ધાસ્ત, તાક્યા કરૂં,
હૂં મુક-બધિર


(Swaying branches keep
dancing without a care,
I stare, deaf-and-dumb.

- Max)


ख़ुदाया, ताक़त दे मुझे अपनों की ख़ामोशी झेलने की,
बीच गर्मियों के, बर्फ़बारी सही नहीं जाती

- मुश्ताक़

ભટકતો બાળક

સમુદ્ર તટ પર ભટકતો બાળક છૂં,
સ્મૃતિ પટ પર અફળાતો તારક છૂં,
છૂં પછો મૃદુ સહિષ્ણુ 'ને સાળસ પણ,
જીવન તટને ધમધમાવતો ત્રાતક છૂં

- મુશ્તાક

(Am a child wandering on the seashore,
Am a star head-banging on memory-plains,
In addition, am soft, tolerant and likeable,
Am a wizard's spell causing quakes in life-plains

- Max)


Sometimes life
pours with a wild
frenzy like the
Cherrapunji rains of
the Khasi hills.
Sometimes it
drips reluctantly as
in the dry farmlands
of Rajasthan.

And sometimes
life flows unihibitedly,
with no set path,
serenely like the
ancient river

- Nuzhat


I have seen, the shorter
they come, the denser,
meaner power they pack.

- Max

On Waking

I wake up
screaming, wild-eyed
and shuddering.
limbs paralyzed,
heart racing and
tongue in a yogic tangle.
it takes a while
to realize
your silence asphyxiates.

- Max


Titanic - a
metallurgical disaster
due to ignorance.

- Max


No being is as
helpless as a human infant,
we toughen it.

- Max


मसाईल ने मुझसे मेरी मुस्कुराहट यूँ छीनी है,
जैसे मुफ्लिसि एक 'तन्ह' बच्चे की शरारत छीन लेती है

अशिक़ा 'तन्हा'


लुटा दूँ दुनिया में सब कुछ हँसकर, और वह मूँह फेर ले,
दस्तूर-ए-दुनिया है, कोई थोप दे कोई झेल ले

- मुश्ताक़


Zo: What's your definition of luck?

Max: Luck is the lazy man's ventriloquist dummy. Idiots swear by the magic, people like u or me know 'no pain, no gain'.

ज़ुबान पे मिठास

ज़ुबान पे मिठास दिलोदीमाग़ से आती है,
वरना मूँह नहीं कोई बावरचीख़ाना

- मुश्ताक़




we are the prostitutes
of our souls.

- Nimesh


my epiphany was to see
the half-awakened man
(like myself)
toiling all his life
just to realise
the utter vulnerability
of life
or the pointlessness of life.

We can see through it
but cannot really do much about it.

- Nimesh


સિયલા રો તવડો ભલો
ધૂપકલા રી સાઁઝ
જન જન રા તન્તા મા,
વૈશ્યા રેગી બાઁઝ

- આશિકા 'તન્હા'

सर्दियों की सुबह भरी,
सर्दियों की साँझ,
जन जन के मसले में,
वैश्या रह गई बाँझ

- आशिक़ा 'तन्हा'


तुम रहो मेरे साथ, वैसा नसीब कहाँ,
मुझको लगाए गले वैसा रक़ीब कहाँ,
ज़माने लाख तड़पे जलन से
मुझसे जुद न हो तुम वैसी तरक़ीब कहाँ

- अज्ञात

Friday, July 16, 2010

मुझको मुझमें जगह नहीं मिलती

उड़ती रहती है एक गर्द मुझमें,
कौन फिरता है दर बदर मुझमें,
मुझको मुझमें जगह नहीं मिलती
वह है मौजूद इस कदर मुझमें


A balanced life

Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.

- Robert Fulghum

बेदर्द मौत

दूसरे क्या देंगे बेदर्द मौत हमें,
यह हक़ तो पहले ही
हासिल कर रखा है
हमारे अपनों ने!


मिलने की आरज़ू

मुद्दत से थी किसी से मिलने की आरज़ू
ख़्वाहिश-ए-दीदार में सब कुछ गवा दिया
किसी ने दी ख़बर वह आएँगे रात को
इतना किया उजाला कि घर तक जला दिया


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Great Attitude

"If you like me, raise your hands.

If not, then raise your standards."

- Anonymous

Love's words

You never know when
and how
you'll find love
sitting in the room
called heart.
You never know for how long,
hence its only right
to give it
all the words you can find
or else it leaves behind -
a silent, haunting song.

- Priyesha Krishnan

Time's pilot

The bad news is that time flies.

The good news is, you're the pilot.

- Anonymous

Time's pilot

The bad news is that time flies.

The good news is, you're the pilot.

- Anonymous